Creating an At-Home Workout Plan: Home Workout Routine and Exercises

Creating an at Home Workout Plan: Home Workout Routine and Exercises

Thankfully, training at a gym isn’t the only way to increase performance and prevent injury. With the proper home workout routine, you can train your whole body effectively without ever having to leave your home – or buy an expensive gym membership.

Here’s what you should do when putting together an at-home workout plan to meet your specific fitness needs.

Establishing a Home Workout Routine

Without making exercising a habit, it will be impossible to achieve the results you want. Improving your performance level and preventing injury is done slowly over time, which requires patience and perseverance.

You’ll need to train often and remain committed to your home workout until you hit your goal. And after that, you’ll need to be able to maintain the results you achieved.

Choose five days of the week you’ll complete your training and at least one day for rest. Think about the time of day that works best for you and schedule your workout into your calendar. Make a promise to yourself that you’ll complete your home workout – no excuses.

The Overall Template for a Home Workout Routine

Your workout routine should be designed to allow you to train consistently while reducing injury. You’ll need to incorporate various exercises across different workouts to address your fitness deficiencies while improving your strengths.

Below, we’ve outlined some sample home workout exercises you can do for each of your major muscle groups.

  • Cardio: Elliptical, jump rope, swimming, jogging/running
  • Lower Body: Squat, lunge, glute bridge, weighted glute bridge
  • Upper Body (Push): Push-up, seated dumbbell shoulder press, triceps dip, incline dumbbell chest fly
  • Upper Body (Pull): Reverse row, lat pulls with a resistance band, back extensions, renegade row
  • Core: Abdominal plank, v-up, dead bug, Russian twist

Implementing Your At-Home Workout Routine

Using the template outlined above, you’ll be able to plan home workout routines with an infinite number of workouts. Complete 2-4 series of each workout, resting only when necessary. Below are two examples of at-home workouts:

At Home Workout Plan #1:

  • 100 jump ropes
  • Glute bridge (4 x 20)
  • Push-ups (4 x 20)
  • Reverse row (4 x 10)
  • Abdominal plank (2 x 1 minute)

At Home Workout Plan #2:

  • Elliptical (3-5 minutes)
  • Squat (4 x 20)
  • Triceps dip (4 x 10)
  • Back extension (4 x 10)
  • V-up (4 x 10)

The most important part of any at-home workout routine is to stay consistent. If you’d like help establishing a workout plan that you can follow on your own, reach out to our team today.

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