Therapist Training

1. Make a Great 1st Impression

• Proper introduction (smile, greet the person by their name) with a positive tone
• Be open, compassionate, and vulnerable
• Elude a sense of intelligence, composure, and firm confidence
• Quantify their pain level, and ask them what they would get back to when we fix it
• Help build their vision of achieving their goals with us

2. Discover Their “WHY

• Be vulnerable, not perfect… address any dreams or fears they may have
• Learn about our client’s primary motives and what drives them
• Peel away the cliché surface-level communication; show them you care
• Relate to them, and provide insight as a friend while serving them
• Be involved, support local athletes, and invite them to LA social events

3. Help Bring Notable Results Immediately

• Use all means & interventions to address immediate issues
• Provide an up-to-date plan to further their recovery process
• Implementing Corrective Ex. discipline, prioritization, & enlightenment
• Educate on false beliefs
• Mention our accelerated healing modalities

4. Inspire Them to “Buy-In” to Their Program

• Compliment a staff member on transitions to new service
• Test, re-test, and display results before and after
• Idealize their goals being met through our program
• Get them involved in PT flow/program, encourage surpassing pain-relief
• Explain the science behind why the program works on a short & long-term basis
• Eliminate discomfort by noting its inhibiting nature; then accentuate BREAKTHROUGHS!

5. Help Them Reach for a Higher Level of Health (HLH)

• Educate on: sleep, physical activity, stress reduction, and nutrition’s effect on health
• Identify who to push, & who to support more passively
• Address physical & emotional concerns
• Encourage progress as something immediately achievable & eventually sustainable
• Have a sense of urgency to monitor & improve POA if client plateaus or regresses
